Who doesn't have a LinkedIn profile? And who doesn't understand the importance that relationships play in building a business, making a sale, or getting the job? Yet why do most people seem mystified about using Social Media (and LinkedIn in particular) pro-actively for their professional success? Of course, there are [More]
Are you one of "those" people who have thoroughly adopted Social Media, but have a nagging feeling that you just aren't that productive with it? Or are you tapped out, and have no interest in adding extra time to your day with low-value online activities? In either case, you're not [More]
One of the most important elements of a modern marketing strategy is Content Marketing. The idea is that if your "content" is everywhere, then would-be clients would be easily attracted to you as they begin looking for solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, many marketers miss a crucial aspect of this: [More]
Do you have a well-defined morning routine, that includes Social Media? Tweet, Post, Check Status, Share, and Comment. Then see who has looked at your LinkedIn profile. Later, repeat - sometimes several times. There is nothing wrong with connection. In fact, Social Media is built precisely on this foundation. Unfortunately, [More]
Have you ever been disappointed with the engagement level of your blog? Have you decided that this year something "better happen", to make it all worthwhile? If so, you're not alone. Here are 17 ways drive more users to your blog, and increase their engagement with it: Write great content. [More]
Do you attribute your success to your focus? Many people do - and in the spirit of "small focus - small success / strong focus - great success" many people are focused on... greater focus. But is there a downside? Consider the following: Ignoring everything except the goal means that [More]
January 11, 2006 holds a special significance. Over a decade before that date I had put the Toronto Star online, as well as completed substantive work with the Globe and Mail and several major book publishers. I was at the vanguard of online publishing (blogging wasn't invented then), yet I [More]
During the last year, I have written a number of opinion pieces on the issues and trends around Social Media, along with the (sometimes) ominous implications. With the fullness of time, some of these are even more important today. A few selections... Does Free Always Mean Free? Beyond the embarrassing [More]
Out of all of the thinking, blogging, tweeting, posting, and speaking on the subject, here are some of the most practical - and thought-provoking articles on the topic. 1) When users defect: Understanding why users leave, and what to do about it. 2) Six Steps to Strategic Blogging: How to [More]
Have you ever been in a situation where despite your best efforts, you cannot make headway? Or where you feel like a fish swimming upstream? This inertia - resistance to the new - is a key reason why implementing change is so difficult. It's also why selling new products to [More]
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