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  • Problem Solving with Appreciative Inquiry

    Problem Solving with Appreciative Inquiry

    In the olden days, external advisors would be called in whenever there is a problem to be solved.  Proposals would be reviewed, contracts negotiated, references checked, and the engagement would begin. The consulting team would show up, diagnose the source of the problem, and help the management team focus exclusively on getting [More]

  • The Power of Diversity

    The Power of Diversity

    The term diversity has become associated with the human rights movement, and lives in the same space with terms such as enforcement, quotas, and affirmative action.  Despite these seemingly negative terms, there is a powerful case for organizations to adopt a positive and proactive approach to diversity. The usual argument [More]

  • Baseline Capability and Campaigns

    Baseline Capability and Campaigns

    Have you ever been in a situation where despite your best efforts, you cannot make headway?  Or where you feel like a fish swimming upstream?  This inertia - resistance to the new - is a key reason why implementing change is so difficult.  It's also why selling new products to [More]

  • Social Media Carrot and Stick

    Social Media Carrot and Stick

    While corporations are trying to figure out how to use the Social Media carrot to entice their customers to buy, their customers are using a powerful Social Media stick when it comes to expressing their disappointment and dissatisfaction. In the olden days, corporate policy may have been the customer is [More]

  • Three lessons from the Facebook prospectus

    Three lessons from the Facebook prospectus

    If you're reading this, the chances that you are on Facebook are relatively high. And sadly, the chances that you personally will duplicate Mark Zuckerberg's business success are relatively low. Very few of us will take our companies public, let along profit so handsomely during our careers. What we can [More]

  • Multi-snacking


    When was the last time you ever gave anything (or anyone) your 100% complete, undivided attention?  If you're like most people - and you're honest - it was probably a long, long, time ago. The question is why. Here's one take: as intelligent, capable, and busy people, we have trained [More]

  • Goal Culture

    Goal Culture

    Do you look for shortcuts in order to more efficiently reach your goals?  Do you feel jealous when others achieve before you do?  If so, it's not surprising: you've been programmed that way.  Many organizations set annual goals for their employees; they follow-up with annual evaluations.  Compensation is tied directly [More]


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