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  • When You Get Hacked

    When You Get Hacked

    While every situation is different, these action points will help you both recover… and reduce the risk going forward. Use this list as a checklist for when it happens, or as the basis for a plan you put together in advance.• Immediately change all of your passwords to strong passwords, [More]

  • Fourteen Digital Trust Killers

    Fourteen Digital Trust Killers

    Here are fourteen: Unnecessary web and app trackers: These ostensibly exist to allow better evaluation of marketing effectiveness at the macro level, and user behavior at the micro level. But as privacy — and transparency — are becoming more important with individuals (and regulators), these trackers are quickly being seen [More]

  • Bloated Websites: Transparency vs. Accessibility

    Bloated Websites: Transparency vs. Accessibility

    How often are you frustrated by bloated websites that have so many pages, it is impossible to actually find anything?  Unfortunately, this is all to common of a complaint. Websites are often used as dumping grounds for every bit of information from every new initiative, often spanning backwards into the [More]

  • Websites: strategic assets or the newest commodity?

    Websites: strategic assets or the newest commodity?

    There is an old "joke" in the web development world that is both funny and sad:  What is the difference between a $20,000 website, a $200,000 website, and a $2 million one?  Answer:  The gullibility of the client. In 27 years of building websites, I have NEVER met a gullible [More]

  • Brand Building: Strong On the Inside

    Brand Building: Strong On the Inside

    How much does your organization spend on your brand? Usually, this question yields answers in the following spending categories: research, logo design, collateral production, messaging, and ads. And maybe content,  Social Media, and a few other things. While all of these are important, this list is missing the two fundamental delivery mechanisms [More]

  • When to fire your web developer (18 reasons)

    When to fire your web developer (18 reasons)

    Every organization has its group of trusted partners: accountant, lawyer, banker... and web developer. They know your history, strategy, and people, and are available to help when their special skills are needed. But how do you know when it is time to move on from the relationship? While we can't [More]

  • Website launch checklist

    Website launch checklist

    While websites aren't new, most organizations only redesign their website every 3-4 years - which is just enough time for everyone to forget what needs to be done to properly launch it. So, collected in one place, here is our list of what to do to launch your site: Three months prior to [More]

  • Marketing Congruency

    Marketing Congruency

    At one time, a marketer needed only consider a few communications channels: Print, TV, Packaging, and the speaking points within a salesperson's sales pitch. Today, all bets are off:  Traditional channels still exist, but have been eclipsed by the website, marketing automation emails, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and [More]

  • Intranet Maturity Model: Strong on the Inside

    Intranet Maturity Model: Strong on the Inside

    Very often marketers look to the logo, web, advertising campaigns, and earned media to execute a brand strategy.  But how might they look internally to do the same?  Or rather, where might they look internally to do the same? One of the most important systems within an organization is the intranet. [More]

  • Insight:  Becoming web invisible

    Insight: Becoming web invisible

    With so much discussion about work-life balance, privacy, confidentiality, data hacks, and government snooping, is it any wonder that some people have decided to move off the grid, and become web-invisible?  Or for others to more closely monitor their web profiles, and either partially or completely remove themselves?  Finally, there [More]


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