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  • Not back to school – Lessons for every student

    Not back to school – Lessons for every student

    Just about every Friday for the last eight years and four months, I went to school - but no more.  I was a consultant to the Schulich School of business, where I gave 288 presentations, coached over 2100 students, and mentored 128 of them at 7am almost every week. I [More]

  • Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

    Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

    One of the most important elements of a modern marketing strategy is Content Marketing.  The idea is that if your "content" is everywhere, then would-be clients would be easily attracted to you as they begin looking for solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, many marketers miss a crucial aspect of this: [More]

  • Generation Gap

    Generation Gap

    Look around: who are the Digital go-to people in your office?  Look around again, and identify the people with the strongest business acumen.  In almost all organizations, the first group is younger, with-it hipsters, while the second group is typically much older.  Getting these groups on the same page can [More]

  • Crowdsourcing


    How often have you run into a creative roadblock? Or you were stumped with a problem that you couldn't figure out? When this happens, we are usually operating under a conventional wisdom that artificially closes the door to possibility. To break the block, one need only ask for help from [More]

  • Reading beyond the lines, part two

    Reading beyond the lines, part two

    Have you ever thought about how to become more creative?  One way is to expose yourself to ideas just beyond "the usual": ideas that challenge you to think differently, or expose you to experiences that are well beyond your immediate knowledge.  With so much available on the web, it is [More]

  • Happy Birthday World Wide Web

    Happy Birthday World Wide Web

    It's not celebrated widely, but in August 2021 (August 6th actually) the world wide web turns thirty. From humble beginnings, this "child" has revolutionized the world in no less a transformational way than the industrial revolution a century earlier. Think about what didn't exist in 1991: eCommerce, eBay, ezines, online [More]

  • Intellectual Health Food

    Intellectual Health Food

    Where did you pick up your current attitude to learning? The quick answer is your friends, family, school, and work colleagues. Looking more widely, you probably were influenced by TV, movies, your favorite author, and the culture in general.  Too often, the biggest influencers are mindless TV shows, complaining friends [More]

  • Sweat the small stuff – again

    Sweat the small stuff – again

    Why do some people have tremendous professional success, and others don't? It might be convenient to point to their superior intellect, drive, positive attitude, or just plain luck - none of which you feel you have. But often their success comes from a source far more mundane: they try harder. [More]

  • Tomorrow’s job today

    Tomorrow’s job today

    As children, we get up and go to school... because that's what we do. As young adults, we choose a college or university to give us the skills to succeed in a particular career. For many people, formal education then stops - and for good reason: why bother with more [More]

  • The Case for Certifications

    The Case for Certifications

    There is no question that professional certification in your area of specialization provides enduring value. (In fact, there are a number of professions where you cannot practice without it.) Becoming certified differentiates you from your competition, and signals to others that you uphold certain standards and practices. These may include [More]


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